Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cards

It is so fun being able to design my own cards. These were printed on beautiful watercolor paper. I think they will really stand out.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I am going to take a break from blogging for the next week and a half. I'll see you all again in the New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008


When I photographed the Methodist Preschool, a few older siblings popped in to have their portraits taken too.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Methodist Preschool - Part 1

All this week, I will be posting portraits from the last preschool I photographed this year. Cortez Methodist Children's Enrichment Program. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Amita's Dedication

This Sunday we are going to have Amita dedicated at the United Methodist Church of Cortez. We are very excited to commit to raising this child with God's help. She is photographed here in our family's christening gown. My mom made this for my middle sister when she was baptized and many of our family members have worn it since. We are happy to carry on the tradition.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gabriel - Four Years Old

Back in October, I photographed Gabriel to commemorate his fourth birthday. I've been a little behind on the personal things because:
1. His birthday is in September
2. I only just finished retouching them
I've been to focused on my clients' work and raising two kids. But I thought they turned out wonderful. Here are a couple for you to enjoy.
That's my boy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is Coming

Last week I photographed little Siena in a beautiful Christmas dress her grandma bought her. If this doesn't put you in the holiday mood...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fun, fun, fun

Looking back over the last couple weeks of posts, I think what stands out to me are the expressions of the children. We really do have a fun time when we work together on capturing portraits. This kids had a blast with just five clicks of the shutter. Imagine what you could have of your children if we did a full session. Don't put it off! Let's get together and have some fun!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Trinity Lutheran Preschool - Crocodiles

Here is the last group at Trinity. I didn't photograph too many of these kids because they are the ones who go to kindergarten during the morning and are at Trinity in the afternoon.
I had a blast photographing all the children at Trinity this year. This year I did something a little bit different. I photographed all the students and then the parents got order forms with their child's portrait on it. They knew exactly what they were going to get before they had to spend any money. That way there were no surprises!
I look forward to see all of them again next year for 2009 School Portraits!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Trinity Lutheran Preschool - Bears

The bears class, kiddos between 2-3, is a little bit smaller. Today we only have two children's portraits I have model releases for. India was very nervous about getting photographed, but I feel in the end, she has a beautiful portrait that really shows her personality. Enjoy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Trinity Lutheran Preschool - Fishes

Trinity Lutheran Preschool divides their children by age, and each class is given an animal as the name of the class. Each day this week, I will post a new class with five of their portraits. Today, it's the little ones, the fishes. All these kiddos are between 12 months and 2 years.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Now that Thanksgiving has passed, it's time to think about Christmas Cards and Christmas Presents. If you were photographed this year and would like to order Christmas cards, the two templates are shown in this post. Card orders should be placed by the 10th of December. Customized cards start at $35 for 25 cards.
Reorders for Christmas presents need to be placed by December 15th.