Thursday, June 14, 2007

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Earlier this year I joined a group of Professional Photographers who offer bereavement photography for parents who loose a little one at birth or shortly there after. It was a tough decision to do, but I look back at my delivery of Gabriel, the trouble we had, and just couldn't imagine not bringing my beautiful baby boy home with me. When I signed on with the group, I spoke with one of the founding members who had lost a child. She said that after just a few days she had started to forget what he looked like. I want to help people remember that little angel. For more information on Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, visit
To the left is a picture of my little one that I thank God everyday for. (Even on the tough days!)

1 comment:

Emily said...


What a wonderful thing to do. I've never heard of something like this, but I will definitely use it in my job. I just watched the website video and listened to the song, looked at the pictures and read the stories, and sat here and wept. It can be soo sad, but such a wonderful blessing to create a memory that will help last a lifetime. What a gift you have!