Monday, July 9, 2007

God Works in Mysterious Ways

While I know I promised to blog about the reception, I just couldn't pass up sharing this great story.
On Gabriel's first Easter, he received a stuffed bunny from his Nana and Opa (my folks). Since that day (when he was six months old), he has carried that bunny EVERYWHERE. We spent the last two years making sure he didn't drop it at the mall, the zoo or a number of other places. When we were in Colorado Springs for Karen & Omar's wedding, bunny got lost. We were staying with family and couldn't find him anywhere. We tore their home apart looking for him because we knew Gabriel would be heart-broken.
Here is an e-mail from Chris' cousin Camla I received last night:
We have been gone camping for a week. We were cleaning the camper and boat this morning when Nolan came running from around the house screaming, "I found a baby bunny!" We all ran to the window well to see a sweet baby bunny crouching against the wall. We went downstairs to the first bedroom to look out the window at the bunny and to give it some food and water. We were moving around on the bed to get a better look and we looked at the floor to find Gabriel's baby bunny! Long story short: It took a live baby bunny to find a stuffed one. We will send his bunny on Monday, along with a picture of the live one who helped.
The image above is one of my dad's.


Jolene Gray said...

Amazing!!!! We're so happy that bunny is on his way home.
Nana & Opa

Emily said...

Oh, how I totally can related to that story! That's fabulous that you found the bunny.

We had a similar experience. Kate had these little giraffe bath toys, three babies and a mama giraffe. They were everywhere. I think I had brought them for her before she was born, and I had found them at the St. Louis zoo. Anyhow, they were in every picture...all the time. Well, we lost one. Looked everywhere, was almost three or four months mom was sweeping the street by the yard/raking leaves/etc...and she found a little yellow something sticking out of the leaves...and it was the missing giraffe. Oh, what a relief. I am amazed that it was still there. Kate was still so little she didn't know she was missing it, but I did. So, totally understand, and very glad Gabriel has his bunny back now!


Wess Gray said...

This reminds me of when your bicycle was stolen.
We went to chuch and asked for prayers that it be found and returned. The pastor was worried that it might not be, so he talked about how God does not always answer our prayers with a "yes", sometimes a "no", and sometimes a "maybe", as well as sometimes a "yes". And of course, the bike was found that week, and was returned to you. The prayers the next Sunday were prayers of "Thanksgiving"
We are thankful!