Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Photography Conference - Lesson 3

Sometimes choosing a professional photographer can be a difficult decision. Over the years, the reason why a client chooses a certain photographer has changed. First people were choosing someone based solely on technical merit. Then it shifted to customer service. Now most people are looking for an experience and a relationship. (Of course this does not mean that technical knowledge and customer service are no longer important.) People want someone they can connect with, someone who is going to bring the best out of their family and make them comfortable. Going to have your portrait taken should not be something you dread doing, it should be fun. That is one of my goals with my business. We have so much fun that the kids generally don't want to leave, and the adults hardly know I'm clicking the shutter.
A good photographer will have strong technical skills, but a great photographer will combine the technical with an artistic flair all the while building a great relationship and delivering solid customer service. (And with all the online shopping many of us do, isn't it nice to have a relationship with someone you are spending money with?)

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